RST: State gears up to deal with Alzheimer’s
Radio Smart Talk for Tuesday, June 25:
Over 400,000 are living with Alzheimer’s Disease in Pennsylvania.
Alzheimer’s Disease creates problems with memory, clear thinking, judgement, and behavior.
And there is no known cure.
More than five million Americans are living with Alzheimer’s Disease, including some 400,000 in Pennsylvania.
Read Scott LaMar’s Alzheimer’s story.
Pennsylvania has the fourth largest older adult population in the country.
The growing number of people with Alzheimer’s and the aging population mean the state will have to confront the disease head on.
That’s why Gov. Tom Corbett appointed the Pennsylvania Alzheimer’s Disease Planning Committee last winter to address needs and research trends, study existing resources, and formulate an effective response strategy to the rising number of those affected by the disease. The panel met for the first time earlier this month and will deliver recommendations to the governor next February.
Pennsylvania’s Secretary of Aging Brian Duke chairs the Alzheimer’s Planning Committee and will appear on Tuesday’s Radio Smart Talk.
Other guests who will appear on the program areDr. Paul Eslinger, director of the Memory and Cognitive Disorders Clinic at Penn State Hershey Medical Center and Leah Kithcart, Public Policy Coordinator, Pennsylvania Public Policy Coalition, the Alzheimer’s Association.
Listen to the program:
Secretary Brian Duke, Leah Kithcart, Dr. Paul Eslinger
To reach thePA Alzheimer’s Association24/7 helpline call 1-800-272-3900.

Alzheimer’s Resources:
PA Department of Aging’s Alzheimer’s Disesase Planning Committee
U.S. Center of Disease Control and Prevention
witf’s HealthSmart on Alzheimer’s
witf’s Tim Lambert shares his personal experience with Alzheimer’s
Share your comments, suggestions and feedback with the PA Dept of Aging’s Alzheimer’s Disease Planning Committee:
Call (717) 425-5115
Write to 555 Walnut Street, Forum Place 5th Floor, Harrisburg, PA 17101