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The surprising health benefits of love


“Love is a promise; love is a souvenir, once given never forgotten, never let it disappear.” – John Lennon

How often do you hug someone you love or hold their hand? Recent research supported by the National Institutes of Health suggests you should do it often, as it turns out feeling the love is good for your health.

It could be between loving partners, parents and children, or even close friends.

Check out this video about the science and the health benefits of love:

Researchers say love is good for you because it activates production of a hormone called oxytocin. That oxytocin then activates the dopamine reward system. Dopamine is a natural stimulant which makes us feel good.


But the effects of oxytocin can last longer than the length of that hug. Researchers say that oxytocin :

  • Lowers stress – which can reduce blood pressure
  • Improves mood
  • Increases tolerance for pain
  • It even speeds up how fast a wound heals.

So, next time you’re around someone you love, show them. It’s good for your heart and your health.

Tell us: How does being with the ones you love affect your own health? What benefits can you see?
