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What makes health care in the U.S. so expensive?


In his recent TIME Magazine article titled “Bitter Pill: How outrageous pricing and egregious profits are destroying our health care,” journalist Steven Brill explores the complex pricing schemes in health care today and how it’s creating an enormous tax burden while bankrupting households at the same time.

Although Brill says that the Affordable Care Act may change some of the rules about who pays for what in health care, a basic problem remains: the cost.

In a Feb. 27th conversation with Diane Rehm, Brill explains why labs, drug companies, and hospital administrators make so much money. He also talks about why we end up paying so much for health care and what we can do about it.

LISTEN to their conversation.

Steven Brill talks to TIME about his cover story in the video below:

Read the full transcript here.

Tell us: Why do you think health care costs so much? Have you experienced costly medical bill yourself? What impact has that made on your life? Please share your thoughts on this topic in a comment below.
