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App of the Week: Locavore


Locavore maps out the farmers markets near you.

Looking for seasonal, local, fresh? There’s an app for that!

Some of us may be a little out of touch when it comes to knowing what fresh fruit and vegetables are in season and available where we live. The Locavore app is your guide to what’s in season, right at your fingertips.

This free app uses your GPS location to provide you with a list of local produce that is currently in season and what’s on the horizon.

Locavore also incorporates a farmer’s market finder, so you can locate the nearest markets at just the touch of a screen.

There are many benefits of eating local- from knowing where your food comes from to supporting your local economy. Buying local cuts you’re your carbon footprint because it reduces how far your food needs to travel.


Try seasonal recipes with Locavore.

You’ll also discover seasonal recipes within the app that you can try making yourself.

Then, you can share your creations with your social media networks.

Get Locavore for iPhone

Get Locavore for Android

You’ll feel proud when you “go local” and will discover that the food is fresher and more delicious, too!

Scroll down for some other benefits of buying local.

Video review:

Why should I buy local?
Jacqui Zimmerman, RD, LDN at Lancaster General Health says that there are many benefits to buying local. She shares the following:

Buying locally grown produce has its perks; here are just a few of the reasons to support your local farmer:


Locavore makes buying local easy!

1) Better taste!Fresh foods often have better flavor and color than produce that was picked within the last few hours. Any chef will tell you that fresh ingredients taste best in any recipe!

2) More nutrients!Fresh fruits and vegetables begin to lose nutrients soon after harvesting. Produce you buy locally was likely picked within the past day or two. You have no way of knowing how long ago produce from the grocery store was harvested, how long it spent in transport, and how long it sat on the shelf.

3) You can “know your farmer.”If you are concerned about genetically modified crops or pesticides, you may be better off buying locally where you are able to ask the grower about their use of chemicals and genetically modified seeds.

4) Support local families.Buying locally grown produce is just another way to “help your neighbor.” Plus, it may help to boost the local economy.

5) Help the environment:There are numerous benefits to the environment when food is grown locally. Locally grown food doesn’t have as much of a distance to travel from farm to table, meaning less environmental pollution.
