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Next Avenue: What Boomers need to know about Obamacare

A major component of the Affordable Care Act went into effect yesterday: the Health Insurance Marketplace opened for business. It’s a new way for millions of uninsured Americans to explore health insirance plan options and choose a plan that meets their health needs.

Next Avenue shares the following stories to help Boomers make the best coverage decisions:


5 Obamacare Scams and How to Avoid Them

Now that health insurance exchanges have popped up, so have the con artists. Learn more and steer clear of these frauds.

“As Federal Trade Commission chairwoman Edith Ramirez recently said, ‘At the FTC, we know all too well how scammers invariably try to take advantage of developments in the marketplace and new government programs.’ Consumer watchdogs expect the fraudsters’ schemes will get worse over the next four to six months.”

Your Guide to Options Under the Affordable Care Act

Now is a great time to review your options under Obamacare. Here are the four basic plans the new legislation provides.

“Before you start shopping for health insurance for 2014, learn the difference among platinum, gold, silver and bronze — the names for new standardized health plans that will be sold starting next year through ‘marketplaces’ created by the Affordable Care Act, sometimes known as Obamacare.”

6 Things Boomers Need to Know About Obamacare

Here’s a rundown of the myths, realities and key deadlines for your health coverage.

“Not only will insurance become more accessible, it will also be cheaper than comparable coverage today for those who qualify for government subsidies. That’s a combination of benefits that some experts have called a “game changer” for early retirees and self-employed boomers.”


Next Avenue – Where grown-ups keep growing
Next Avenue is a major new PBS system website designed to reach America’s booming 50+ population as they plan for and literally define a new life stage.

Explore the website,, for stories, advice and information to inspire America’s 50+ generation to live the most meaningful, vibrant life possible.

Tell us about your experience with the PA insurance marketplace.
