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October 1st: An historic day for coverage

October 1st 2013 marked the opening of the Health Insurance Marketplace-a new way for millions of uninsured Americans to explore health insirance plan options and choose a plan that meets their health needs.


About this historic day for healthcare, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation President and CEO Risa Lavizzo-Mourey, MD, MPH writes :

“As a physician, I know that going without health coverage, even for a short period, can impact one’s health. Those who are uninsured live with illness and die younger as a result. Without health insurance, children don’t receive the care they need to learn and grow. That’s why access to health insurance is so important. It enables people to lead longer, healthier lives. And because of access to preventive care and better management of chronic disease, it will improve the overall health of our entire nation.”

“This brings us one step closer to the culture of health we envision.”

“After more than a generation of effort, we stand on the verge of a substantial reduction in our nation’s uninsured population. Today marks an historic opportunity to take a giant step towards achieving a culture of health in America.”

Continue readingon theRobert Wood Johnson Foundation website.

Lavizzo-Mourey shares her thoughts on the Affordable Care Act in the video below:

Find resources to help you enroll in the insurance marketplace in the PA Insurance Marketplace section of the Transforming Health website. You’ll find other useful tools to help you enroll in our Toolkit.
