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More Pennsylvanians pick health insurance on ACA exchange


(Harrisburg) — More people are signing up for insurance through the federal health care law’s new marketplaces, with nearly 12,000 Pennsylvanians signed up through the end of November.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services released the figures today, up from 2,200 a month ago.

Besides people who picked a plan, the department says 74,000 Pennsylvanians submitted applications to cover 137,000 people, such as themselves, their spouses and children.

About 40,000 were deemed eligible to enroll in a plan that’s partially subsidized by a federal tax credit to make it less expensive for consumers.
The figures reflect the first two months of signups amid troubles with the federally run website,, which is a primary gateway to the marketplace. Insurers expect the rate of people enrolling to increase in December.