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Smart Talk: Is there a shortage of doctors in PA?

What to look for on Smart Talk Thursday, January 16, 2014:

The political debate over the Affordable Care Act or Obamacare was heated and actually continues even though the law has been enacted and most of it is in place.


One prediction critics of the ACA made was that there would be a doctor shortage.

Opponents of the ACA have jumped on any and all aspects of the new law. Some criticisms were based in fact, while others weren’t or were just pure speculation.

One prediction critics made was that there wouldn’t be enough doctors to treat the millions of Americans who would have health insurance. They predicted a doctor shortage.

Now that the healthcare insurance exchanges are up and running, are the newly insured having problems finding doctors? Bottom line — are there enough doctors? Is there a need for certain specialists? Are there enough doctors in rural Pennsylvania, which was a problem even before Obamacare?

Dr. Bruce MacLeod, president of the Pennsylvania Medical Society, which represents physicians’ interest, will appear on Thursday’s Smart Talk along with Dr. John Goldman, an infectious disease specialist with Pinnacle Health to discuss whether Pennsylvania has enough doctors.

They also will address Pennsylvania’s new law that allows doctors to apologize to a patient without it being held against the physician in a malpractice lawsuit.

Listen to the program:


At the end of the show, witf reporter, Matt Paul, provides a glimpse at Transforming Health’s new multimedia guide:Getting Covered: The Affordable Care Act. It’sdesigned to help individuals as well as small business employers in Pennsylvania understand changes under the Affordable Care Act and assess healthcare needs before shopping, explore health plans and learn how to access them.

The new health law is confusing, so this tool is meant to simplify what’s changing and when, and provide the right tools to empower people to make tinformed decisions about their health.

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Dr. John Goldman & Dr. Bruce MacLeod