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Is your family impacted by decision to allow families to keep CHIP?


About 30,000Pennsylvania families will have the option of keeping their kids enrolled in the state’s Children’s Health Insurance Program(CHIP) through the end of the year.

For months the state had been asking for the flexibility to keep certain low-income children in their CHIP policies, rather than being involuntarily forced onto the Medicaid rolls under the Affordable Care Act.

The fear is that involuntarily forcing these families into Medicaid would also force them to find a new doctor.

The federal Department of Health and Human Services has decided to grant Pennsylvania a transition period of up to one year, but children in families earning 100 – 133 percent of the federal poverty must still have Medicaid coverage by 2015.

CHIP insurance carriers are now in the process of mailing notices to families impacted by the federal government’s decision.

Is your family one of the thousands impacted by this decision? If so, our Transforming Health team would like to hear from you.

Learn more about the impact of the Affordable Care Act on families, and coverage options, like CHIP, at the Health Insurance Marketplace, at our new Getting Covered guide.