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Is new short-term insurance a good option?/Service dogs

What to look for on this episode of Smart Talk:

Do changes to short-term, limited duration health insurance plans provide quality coverage to Pennsylvanians?

That’s a question Smart Talk examines in this show.

Consumers will soon be able to purchase the plans for up to three years after changes implemented by the Trump Administration.  Federal regulations currently limit the plans to three months.

The STLDs are inexpensive but don’t comply with the Affordable Care Act’s consumer protection and coverage requirements.

Pennsylvania’s Insurance Commissioner Jessica Altman has said she’s concerned that consumers won’t have enough coverage when they need it if they have a short-term policy.  Commissioner Altman appears on Smart Talk along with WITF’s Transforming Health reporter Brett Sholtis.

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Brett Sholtis and Commissioner Jessica Altman

Also on the program, we learn about the Susquehanna Service Dogs organization who raise, train and place service dogs and hearing dogs with people throughout Central Pennsylvania.  The service dogs assist people with disabilities to be more independent in living their lives.What goes into raising a service dog, what services can the dogs perform, and how are they trained?

Joining us on Smart Talk are volunteers Lisa Slater and Gail Frassetta.

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Lisa Slater, Scott LaMar and Gail Frassetta, with SSD Comet and Hermione

Smart Talk
Smart Talk

Smart Talk is a lively and thoughtful conversation on a wide range of issues and ideas relevant to Central Pennsylvanians.

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