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What’s new with Alzheimer’s research?

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What to look for on this episode of Smart Talk:

Some 5.7 million Americans are living with Alzheimer’s Disease and another 16 million are caring for them (unpaid).  The federal government is spending a record $1.8 billion dollars to research Alzheimer’s, which many consider a growing calamity, since the population is aging.  There is no cure and no long-term successful treatment for Alzheimer’s.

Research continues into Alzheimer’s Disease and some of it appears to be promising.  However, for every positive, there’s a negative to go along with it.  For example, 99.6% of Alzheimer’s drugs tested successfully in animals fail in human trials.

On this episode of Smart Talk, we’re joined by the Alzheimer’s Association’s Director of Scientific Engagement, Dr. Rebecca Edelmayer and Jeremy Bland, the Director of Marketing and Communications for the Alzheimer’s Association, Greater Harrisburg Chapter, to discuss research and the future of Alzheimer’s.

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Dr. Rebecca Edelmayer & Jeremy Bland

Also, author Stephen Fried appears on Friday’s program to talk about his book Rush — Revolution, Madness and the Visionary Doctor Who Became a Founding Father.  Benjamin Rush is one of the least known signers of the Declaration of Independence but he accomplished so much more in his life like founding Dickinson College in Carlisle and pioneering treatment for mental illness.

Stephen Fried, who is a Harrisburg native, appears at the Beth El Temple in Harrisburg at 7:30 Sunday evening.

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Rush author Stephen Fried


Staff reporting

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