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Health is my lifelong goal


Amy Mark

Amy Mark;Harrisburg, PA

The “old me:”
When I look back at the old me, I see a person who made a lot of excuses for the way I was. I was tired, unhappy and stagnant.

The moment I decided to make a change:
I think a huge turning point in my life was realizing that I was my biggest advocate.

No one else was going to change me, except for myself.

I made a list of things that I wanted to change, such as eating healthier, becoming more active, and doing more things that I’ve wanted to do, but have put off. So, I started tackling each of these one by one.

What’s motivating me:
I am an extremely goal-oriented person. However, I don’t think I will ever reach my goal. Both healthy eating and staying active is a lifelong goal that I strive to do every day.


I owe much of my success to my supportive friends, family and coaches (at the gym). I enrolled in a CrossFit gym, that literally transformed my workouts both physically and mentally. The workouts are community based, so I always feel as though I have teammates supporting me through my workouts.

The new me:
I feel stronger, both physically and mentally. I am able to do things that I never thought possible, such as deadlifting 235 lbs or doing 50+ regular push-ups.

I still find that people that I haven’t seen in awhile have trouble recognizing me, due to my physical transformation.

Mentally, I find that I have a lot more self-confidence, which continues to grow on a daily basis.

My advice for others:

“It is never too late to change who you are.” -Amy

My advice is to first of all, stop making excuses for why you can’t change things, because you can.


I suggest joining a gym that has a community base that has a group of people who will support you as you begin transforming the new you.

I suggest joining a gym that has a community base that has a group of people who will support you as you begin transforming the new you.

Eat healthier by eating clean or trying the Paleo diet – eat lots of fresh fruit, vegetables and lean meat and fish.

Keep a food journal and limit the amount of processed foods, sugar, starch, and alcohol that you consume.

Shared byAmy Mark
Harrisburg, PA

Photo Credit: All photography was taken at Amy’s gym, 13 Stripes, by Matt Stambaugh

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